Overview: In Monitask, we measure employee activity levels to provide insights into work patterns and productivity. This document explains how we calculate these activity levels based on keyboard and mouse usage, and how these percentages may vary depending on job roles.

What is an Activity Level? Activity level is a measure of how actively an employee is using their computer, based on keyboard and mouse interactions. Every 10 seconds, the system checks if there has been any activity. If there is activity (a key press or mouse click), that period is marked as active (1). If there is no activity, it is marked as inactive (0).

How Do We Calculate the Daily Activity Level? The daily activity level is calculated by summing all the active periods throughout the day and then dividing by the total number of periods in the day. This result is then multiplied by 100 to get a percentage. Here's a simple formula:


Example Calculation: Assume there are 3,600 ten-second periods in a standard 10-hour workday:


Activity Level Expectations by Role (Examples):


Q1: What if an employee's activity level is below the expected range?

Q2: Does a higher activity level always mean higher productivity?

Q3: Can managers adjust activity level expectations for specific roles?

Understanding and monitoring activity levels helps managers gauge workflow efficiency and ensure employees are engaged in their tasks. However, it's important to use these metrics as part of a broader assessment of employee performance.